At Lifeboat Homes we do not consider the UK new build or existing homes good enough for now or the future. The new UK homes are not built well enough to reduce energy consumption. They are not designed to maximise low carbon energy generation.
We need both!
Lifeboat Homes have designed a new concept home that consumes very little low carbon energy, but produces a lot to export. We want to make our efficient homes small low carbon power stations.
AECB build standard is a stepping stone on the path to Passivhaus and brings:
Low Energy Bills
Superior Indoor Air Quality
Protection from Overheating
Energy exported into the local community
Lifetime standard
Built for young and old to thrive and not to scrimp to pay the bills
Why a Lifeboat Home?
We want local energy networks to develop and give more independence to communities. By using renewable energy we can live more cheaply exporting our excessive energy locally wehre needed to partners.
We have developed a low energy sustainable lifetime home that uses only 25 % renewable energy.
New and retrofit build homes
What we do as a service
We develop land, service and manage new 21st century rental homes.
Our mission
To build local power stations off our house roofs using ground source heat networks within our homes and create a criticial infrastructure of independent energy.
An efficient circular economy linking mixed used commercial, local health care and education facilities into our residential buildings.
Lessons learnt since Covid and an increase in price inflation
We have learnt that commercial business and local community are interdependent. Our ageing population is at risk from health care provision failing and our communities rely on complex supply chains. There is a better way. 'A way to reduce vulnerability'.
'Circle the wagons' - Our new build concept is to become a local development company providing housing locally, providing decarbonsied and decentralised energy into the local economy.
New build Lifeboat Homes
On the edge of urban and village communities.
Lifetime multigenerational homes.
Accessible living built to a lifetime standard to create a sustainable alternative to living longer in your community.
What about our existing homes?
We can retrofit your homes to allow you to reduce your energy costs and stay at home for longer.
Or sell the old house, bank the money and rent a Lifeboat home as soon as you can. You will be contributing local energy production into the communitiy all the time and we can thrive together.
We develop climate and socially resilient homes and commercial buildings. We intergrate renewable heat energy from the ground and solar with highly insulated building fabric.